Q4'24 Inside The Buy-Side® Earnings Primer®

Closing the Quarter – Q4’23​

Heading into this past earnings season, our Q4’23 Inside The Buy-Side® Earnings Primer® registered a more optimistic tone overall after last quarter’s survey found sentiment increasingly trending neutral.


This Week in Earnings: Technology – Q4’23

Technology continues to dominate headlines and for good reason: the sector is experiencing somewhat of a renaissance. Developments in AI are hitting the market at an unprecedented cadence, with those companies most able to benefit from the AI revolution in the near term seeing actual and expected earnings rise along with stock multiples.


This Week in Earnings: Industrials – Q4’23

In our early analysis of industrial earnings thus far, “stability” was the common tone evoked on calls — a welcomed message from one of the economy’s largest constituencies, and a far cry from recession projections heard throughout much of last year.

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